Case Study June 3, 2020

Bob SunRun

To create a new brand identity for BOB Sunrun 2.0 that would appeal to a broader audience and attract more sponsors.


The objective of this project was to create a new brand identity for BOB Sunrun 2.0 that would appeal to a broader audience and attract more sponsors. The brand identity should convey the event's key messages, which include community, fitness, and fun. In addition to the brand identity, the organizing committee also wanted to create a range of creative services, including digital and on-ground event materials, to promote the event and engage participants.

  • Objective

    Create a brand identity that conveys the event's key messages, which include community, fitness, and fun

  • Solution

    Creating both digital and on-ground creatives keeping in mind the vision of the run

  • Production

    For the creative services, we developed a range of materials to promote the event, including digital banners, influencer creatives, third party ticket website branding, event posters, flyers, and banners.

  • Platform

    For on-ground event, we created a range of materials to engage participants, including event t-shirts, medals, and goodie bags. We also designed a start/finish line arch, stage design, photo op backdrop and all other branding elements required on the D Day.

SUNRUN CASE STUDY - Participants
⬤ 01. Challenges

Bob Sunrun 2.0 - a marathon event that aims to promote a healthy and active lifestyle, while also raising awareness and funds for a local charity.

Case Study – Bob SunRun Brand Identity, Creatives (Digital + On ground)

For the brand identity, we created a new logo that featured a stylized illustration of the rising sun mnemonic of Bank of Baroda, fused with the energy of a runner to illustrate the feeling of ultimate runner’s high. The illustration was designed to be both bold and playful, reflecting the event’s fun and inclusive nature. The logo was paired with a bright and vibrant colour palette, and a bold, modern typeface.

For the creative services, we developed a range of materials to promote the event, including digital banners, influencer creatives, third party ticket website branding, event posters, flyers, and banners.

For on-ground event, we created a range of materials to engage participants, including event t-shirts, medals, and goodie bags. We also designed a start/finish line arch, stage design, photo op backdrop and all other branding elements required on the D-Day.

SUNRUN 2.0 Banner
⬤ 02. Experience

The event's goal is to attract a diverse group of participants, including runners of all skill levels, families, and community members. In order to achieve this goal, a strong brand identity and creative services were needed to create a cohesive and engaging event experience.

The first step in creating the brand identity for Bob Sunrun 2.0 was to develop a logo that would be both distinctive and representative of the event’s mission. The logo was designed to feature a stylized sun,

with the letters “BOB” incorporated into the design to represent the event’s name. The colors used in the logo were bright and vibrant, with a focus on yellow and orange to represent the sun and energy of the event.

Color palette

R 0
G 122
B 255


R 0
G 122
B 255


R 0
G 122
B 255


R 0
G 122
B 255

Moonlight Black

The colors used in the logo were bright and vibrant, with a focus on yellow and orange to represent the sun and energy of the event.

We paired the logo with a bright and vibrant colour palette, and a bold, modern typeface.

Grow brands through bold and strategic creative, focused on searching new ways to showcase user content on digital support and envisioning the future arts.





We wanted a bold, and modern typeface that would appeal to both young and old audiences. 

AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Storm Bold


Our logo featured a stylized illustration of the rising sun mnemonic of Bank of Baroda, fused with the energy of a runner to illustrate the feeling of ultimate runner’s high.

Storm ExtraBold


We used the Storm ExtraBold font to make sure that our logo stood out from the rest .

⬤ 03. Mobile Experience

The brand identity and creative services developed for Bob Sunrun 2.0 helped to create a cohesive and engaging event experience that attracted a diverse group of participants.



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